Creepy Tales Of Lighthouse Ghosts

It might be called Boon Island, but according to New England Lighthouses, there's been a lot of dark stuff that's happened there most famously, a 1710 shipwreck that stranded survivors on the island for three weeks, and forced them to resort to cannibalism to survive. Once the lighthouse was built, well, it didn't get

It might be called Boon Island, but according to New England Lighthouses, there's been a lot of dark stuff that's happened there — most famously, a 1710 shipwreck that stranded survivors on the island for three weeks, and forced them to resort to cannibalism to survive. Once the lighthouse was built, well, it didn't get much safer. Early versions of the lighthouse were built, destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again, and as for hauntings? There's plenty, including one tale that begins in the 1840s.

That's when SeaCoast says the aptly-named keeper Luke Bright moved to the island with his new bride, Katherine. It wasn't long before a storm hit; Luke, knowing he needed to get from their home to the lighthouse, tied a rope around his waist and ventured out. He slipped, fell into the ocean, and drowned. The rope held, though, and Katherine dragged his body back home.

For days, Katherine alternated between sitting with her husband's body and climbing the lighthouse tower. She kept her now solitary watch for five days until she ran out of fuel, and was discovered by fishermen who went to see why the light had gone out. It was -10 Fahrenheit on the night they found her, and she died shortly after. She's still seen on the darkest of nights, though, a ghostly apparition that floats into the lighthouse. Sometimes, lights and foghorns go on by themselves, almost as though she's still keeping her vigil.

